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About Us

Our mission is to provide compassionate care, rescue, and rehabilitation for homeless and abandoned dogs. We strive to find loving and permanent homes for these dogs, ensuring their safety and well-being. We are dedicated to promoting responsible pet ownership through our adoption programs, community education initiatives, and spay/neuter campaigns. We work tirelessly to improve the lives of every dog we rescue, advocating for their rights and standing as their guardians until they find their forever homes. Our ultimate goal is to reduce the number of homeless dogs by creating a compassionate community that values and protects the lives of all canines.

Kay has been an advocate for rescuing and fostering for over 17 years. Ever since she was a young girl, dogs have been a part of her life, many times providing emotional support. It is because of this, Kay is passionately committed to helping abandoned and neglected dogs by giving them the love and nurturing they deserve and finding them loving homes where they can thrive. She also desires to help others keep their cherished pets and aid them through affordable spay and neuter efforts along with education, vaccinations, microchipping and heartworm prevention. Please consider contributing to this noble and worthwhile cause through your charitable donations and by becoming a volunteer, fostering or adopting today. Almost 10% of all dogs are euthanized in shelters and ever since the COVID pandemic, there has been rampant dumping of pets. The need has never been greater.

Thank you for your consideration.

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